To blend Knowledge

with technology towards perfection


IEEE Student Branch

The purpose of establishing the IEEE Student Branch at GL Bajaj is to connect our students to the global IEEE network thereby promoting awareness in them regarding the professional and technical benefits of IEEE membership, awards, contests and other programs. GL Bajaj has taken the initiative to set-up a laboratory for e-Yantra so that students can be benefited optimally.

CSI (Computer Society of India)

Computer Society of India (CSI) is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India. It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals.

Coordinator: Jayati Krishna Goswami
Email: jayati[DOT]krishna[AT]glbajajgroup[DOT]org

GITHUB Campus Program [Student rewards and benefits]

  • Students who register for the hackathon will be eligible for the Student Developer Pack
  • We will be sharing a unique URL with the registered students to claim their developer pack
  • Top 3 winners will receive T-Shirts & other goodies from GitHub
  • Top 3 winners will be eligible for the national level hackathon, competing with other winners from different colleges

Coordinator: Jayati Krishna Goswami
Email: jayati[DOT]krishna[AT]glbajajgroup[DOT]org


Our institute has collaborated with Ureka Education Group, UK to establish, support and sponsor a student led Data Science, Analytics and Cybersecurity (DSAC) club to ensure that students get the following in the field:

  • Advice & Guidance from Industry Experts
  • Career Development Opportunities
  • Professional Networking
  • International Certifications & Trainings

Coordinator: Santosh Kumar Swarnkar
Email: santosh[DOT]kumar[AT]glbajajgroup[DOT]org


TechnoWave is the Technical Society that organizes various social functions and other events to pep the otherwise busy lives of the students and faculty. The society is by the students, from the students and for the students. Being a technical society it provides platform & limelight for students to show their talents in various fields.

On the top it has the President and supported by a Vice President, Secretary and Co-ordinators. Both of them are supported by a team of students which are further subdivided into Technical, Marketing, Editorial, Design, Event Management, Treasury, Discipline, Hospitality, Student Activity. Each team has a head supported by a group of students. All teams work in perfect harmony to become fruitful for the students.